How it works?

Customised bookings dashboard

Easy booking management

Easily generate PDF booking confirmations and invoices. Goodbye excels and word documents

Customised statistics about booking revenews

KPI & stats

Which property is generating most of your revenues? How much sales did you do this year?

Customised cards for each flat ready to book

Property information

Keep your team informed at any moment on important information about your properties. No more untracked incidents.


Created with agencies for agencies

We are working with several real estate agencies to define the most important challenges of running a rental service.

After observing for months, we have pin pointed the most painful tasks and developed an easy solution to make your life as an agent easier.

Avenist aims at modernising real estate administration
Free memberships for booking management patform

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Beta version users will be rewarded with a lifetime free membership, access to all premium features from today and on!

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